Skelle Top's theme is, "Although we have grown, we are still kids at heart". So ST wants you to comment and leave an answer to the following question to help us in a research experiment. The question is fun and goes...................>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What was/is your favorite game to play? Whether it was when you were on the block with your peeps, or if you were in the crib with your fam, or at your cousin's house while your mother and aunt were at bingo, or even in your grown life like playing a game of spades with the fam on the holidays. Whatever it was, please comment. ST wants to thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Spades!!!! I played it as a kid and I still love playing it now as an adult.
Although I loved things like hop scotch.... I would have to say that my favorite game was pick up sticks... which is jenga .... several years ago! Oh and I love monopoly... and Oh.. and frogger!!!
I loved skelle! I would buy a veryfine juice then put wax in the top! Good ol' days but as I grew in age I would say Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Super Pac-Man. I played many others so I'm just a arcade fiend!
Dawn Skelle was the Sh.... I liked the gallon milk bottle tops. I would put play-do in my top, so I can get that weight in the top. I would also smooth out the back of the top, so it can slide just right on the concrete. My favorite video games were Asteroids and Donkey Kong.
Now as an adult, I LOVE PLAYING Unisex TWISTER. 'Nuff said.
Chess, but I learned it after high school.
Before then I was bout that Street Fighter II.
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