Monday, January 11, 2010

New York Hip-Hop Artists Leap from YouTube to McDonald's Pitch Men

A couple of months ago, aspiring rapper Christopher Dupree and violinist Joya Morris made a video with Dollar Van Demo, an outfit that transforms a NYC dollar van ride into rolling recording studio. If you aren't hip to the Dollar Van Demos, then YouTube it and check out some raw footage of talent from the NYC area. From the Dollar Van Demo that aired on YouTube, both were given an opportunity to make the new McDonalds commercial. These young kids seem to be what Hip Hop is all about-having a dream and working on it. Joya is from my hometown of Laurelton, Queens and besides being an aspiring talent, she is also a college graduate. ST wishes both Chris and Joya the best in their upcoming endeavors and much success. Check out the link below for the complete story and video footage.


Dollar Van Demos said...

That's what's up... thank you kindly for the positive vibes.

Cheebs said...

For Sure. Glad I stumbled on Dollar Van Demos. I've check out some other vids and I will blog about any who catch my ear. Check back often and thanks for stopping by.