Thursday, April 29, 2010
Little Brother-"Curtain Call" (Video)
I’m sure I’m not the only one who is going to miss Little Brother. This is their first video off of their last album LEFT BACK. Even though 9th Wonder is not part of this project (and the fans wish he was), it is still a GREAT album and an excellent listen.
Lupe-"I'm Beaming" (New Video)
Lupe dropped his lead video last night on the YouTube. "I’m Beaming" is the lead single off of his much anticipated album Lasers. I’ve heard a couple leaks from this album and well……………..Lupe "Got Lyrics to Go”. Also our friends over at OkayPlayer have a cut that is said to be on the Lasers album that features Alicia Keys. Check it out at the jumplink.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
"Cheeba"-featuring Bilal New Single from Shafiq
Cheeba feat. Bilal from Plug Research on Vimeo.
“Cheeba” the lead single by Shafiq feat. Bilal. This single incorporates several pieces of music off of Shafiq’s debut solo album Shafiq En A-Free-Ka on Plug Research.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Solar Wears Shades During Interview w/MTV's Sway and Addresses Gay Rumors
Let me just say that ST tries very hard to stay away from the BS. However, ST is a huge fan of GangStarr and when I say GangStarr I'm speaking of Guru and Premier. ST will put out what the streets are talking about and the streets seem to be talking heavy on this one. Our friends over have put together MTV's Sway interview of Solar. Sway goes in with the questions and Solar seems a little reserve hiding behind shades. Sway asks Solar the question that has been wondering in people minds, "Were Solar and Guru and item?" According to "The Hollywood Street King" they were. ST went on record to say that we seriously doubt the authenticity of Guru's last statement and we were not the only ones. We did think it was kind of strange for Solar to try to have a "private" burial service for Guru like he's Guru's parent or worse, a lover. Check out this interview and you be the judge.
Cee Lo-"I Want You" (Audio)
Word on the street is Cee-Lo is about to drop an LP that is said to drop later on this year. Our friends over at OkayPlayer have his song, “I Want You” available for FREE DOWNLOAD. This is one cut that I can see the people on the dance floor grooving to. Check out the song at the jumplink.
Pam Grier aka Foxy Brown Pens Her First Memoir-Book Tour Dates
The black-exploitation film era was one that some want to forget, and others who won’t forget. It was a time where black people came in droves to see people who look like them on the big screen. Didn’t matter if the film was excellent, good, or okay, people of color was just happy to see their own on the big screen in starring roles.
Of course, one of the biggest actors/actress’ that ever hit the big screen in that era was Ms. Pam Grier aka “Foxy Brown”, a nickname that is still associated with Ms. Grier to this day. Her nickname came after the blockbuster hit, Foxy Brown, which made Ms. Grier a star and a household name during that era.
Well Ms. Grier has penned her first memoir, Foxy: My Life in Three Acts, and she’ll be talking about it this Sunday at 2 p.m. at the L.A. Times Festival of Books.
This is a partial list of where Pam Grier will be doing stops on her book tour. Check with your nearby chain stores or independents:
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Barnes & Noble
97 Warren Street
New York, NY 10007
7:00 pm
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hue Man Bookstore
2319 Frederick Douglass Blvd
New York, NY 10027
12:00 pm
(212) 665-7400
Thursday, May 6, 2010
African American Art Museum of Philadelphia
701 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
6:00 pm
Friday, May 7, 2010
Harvey B. Gannt Center
551 S. Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
7:00 pm
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Real Eyes Bookstore
3306-B N. Davidson Street
Charlotte, NC 28205
1:00 pm
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Barnes & Noble
189 Grove Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90036
7:00 pm
Friday, May 14, 2010
Eso Won Books
4331 Degnan Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90016
7:00 pm
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tattered Cover Bookstore
1628 16th Street
Denver, CO 80202
7:00 pm
Come out, get your book, get it autographed, and fellas-take a picture with Foxy Brown and have your friends jealous.
Of course, one of the biggest actors/actress’ that ever hit the big screen in that era was Ms. Pam Grier aka “Foxy Brown”, a nickname that is still associated with Ms. Grier to this day. Her nickname came after the blockbuster hit, Foxy Brown, which made Ms. Grier a star and a household name during that era.
Well Ms. Grier has penned her first memoir, Foxy: My Life in Three Acts, and she’ll be talking about it this Sunday at 2 p.m. at the L.A. Times Festival of Books.
This is a partial list of where Pam Grier will be doing stops on her book tour. Check with your nearby chain stores or independents:
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Barnes & Noble
97 Warren Street
New York, NY 10007
7:00 pm
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hue Man Bookstore
2319 Frederick Douglass Blvd
New York, NY 10027
12:00 pm
(212) 665-7400
Thursday, May 6, 2010
African American Art Museum of Philadelphia
701 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
6:00 pm
Friday, May 7, 2010
Harvey B. Gannt Center
551 S. Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
7:00 pm
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Real Eyes Bookstore
3306-B N. Davidson Street
Charlotte, NC 28205
1:00 pm
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Barnes & Noble
189 Grove Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90036
7:00 pm
Friday, May 14, 2010
Eso Won Books
4331 Degnan Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90016
7:00 pm
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tattered Cover Bookstore
1628 16th Street
Denver, CO 80202
7:00 pm
Come out, get your book, get it autographed, and fellas-take a picture with Foxy Brown and have your friends jealous.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
DJ Premier Speaks on the Untimely Death of GURU
Well DJ Premier has put out his response to the letter that was “allegedly” written by GURU. Check out DJ Premier’s Blog at the jumplink.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
R.I.P. Guru of GangStarr
Guru of GangStarr left us behind on this planet as of yesterday. ST reported earlier when Guru was hospitalized for his illness (cancer) and stayed away from the drama behind the sickness. Out of respect for Guru and his family, ST decided to pray for Guru and leave the drama for others to talk about. However, in Guru's death, a letter which is 'said' to be written by Guru was released by his partner Solar. These are allegedly Guru's words. Now whether I believe these are Guru's words or not, it was released for print. Like many of ST's followers, I was a huge GangStarr fan. Guru wrote the lyrics and Premier made some of the coldest beats for Guru to lace. I find it hard for someone to take a grudge with them to the grave. Guru and Premier made up GangStarr, not Guru and Solar. Just my opinion. Read and judge for yourself. RIP to one of the best that ever done it.
"I, Guru, am writing this letter to my fans, friends and loved ones around the world. I have had a long battle with cancer and have succumbed to the disease. I have suffered with this illness for over a year. I have exhausted all medical options.I have a non-profit organization called Each One Counts dedicated to carrying on my charitable work on behalf of abused and disadvantaged children from around the world and also to educate and research a cure for this terrible disease that took my life. I write this with tears in my eyes, not of sorrow but of joy for what a wonderful life I have enjoyed and how many great people I have had the pleasure of meeting.
My loyal best friend, partner and brother, Solar, has been at my side through it all and has been made my health proxy by myself on all matters relating to myself. He has been with me by my side on my many hospital stays, operations, doctors visits and stayed with me at my home and cared for me when I could not care for myself. Solar and his family is my family and I love them dearly and I expect my family, friends, and fans to respect that, regardless to anybody's feelings on the matter. It is my wish that counts. This being said I am survived by the love of my life, my sun KC, who I trust will be looked after by Solar and his family as their own. Any awards or tributes should be accepted, organized approved by Solar on behalf myself and my son until he is of age to except on his own.
I do not wish my ex-DJ to have anything to do with my name likeness, events tributes etc. connected in anyway to my situation including any use of my name or circumstance for any reason and I have instructed my lawyers to enforce this. I had nothing to do with him in life for over 7 years and want nothing to do with him in death. Solar has my life story and is well informed on my family situation, as well as the real reason for separating from my ex-DJ. As the sole founder of GangStarr, I am very proud of what GangStarr has meant to the music world and fans. I equally am proud of my Jazzmatazz series and as the father of Hip-Hop/Jazz. I am most proud of my leadership and pioneering efforts on Jazzmatazz 4 for reinvigorating the Hip-Hop/Jazz genre in a time when music quality has reached an all time low. Solar and I have toured in places that I have never been before with GangStarr or Jazzmatatazz and we gained a reputation for being the best on the planet at Hip-Hop/Jazz, as well as the biggest and most influential Hip-Hop/Jazz record with Jazzmatazz 4 of the decade to now. The work I have done with Solar represents a legacy far beyond its time. And we as a team were not afraid to push the envelope. To me this is what true artists do! As men of honor we stood tall in the face of small mindedness, greed, and ignorance. As we fought for music and integrity at the cost of not earning millions and for this I will always be happy and proud, and would like to thank the million fans who have seen us perform over the years from all over the world. The work I have done with Solar represents a legacy far beyond its time and is my most creative and experimental to date. I hope that our music will receive the attention it deserves as it is some of the best work I have done and represents some of the best years of my life."-Guru
Cubs of The Black Panther Party Have Grown Up
Many people hear the name, "The Black Panther Party" and all kinds of MILITANT thoughts come to mind. I always wondered how one can be, "Militant" without a "Military", of their own? Nonetheless, that's just me and my thoughts.
Alprentice's work puts together an image that gives an insight to how the BPP children were raised. Could you imagine being a child and you know you were being followed by the FBI? Alprentice talks about how as a child, he was forbidden to talk to certain people and at one point was only allowed to play with other children of the BBP. He talks about the things they were taught as children and how it shaped their political views here in America as well as their views on religion, community activism, and self reliance.
Alprentice book is causing a buzz as he was recently on CNN, WBAI-NY 99.5 FM with SALLY OBRIEN, and SoleTalking radio with Yusef Salaam. Read more about the book and get your copy at the link below.
Also, check out video footage of Mr. Davis' travels with the book tour.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The "Sister Soldier Project" is Getting our Sisters the Good Stuff

Well the “Sister Soldier Project” was developed as a support group for all of our sisters serving our country. What the Sister Soldier project does, is sends hair care products to our sisters serving our country. So whether it is a relaxer, perm, or conditioner for braids, hair care products can get to our sisters serving overseas. Check out their website and support our troops by supporting our sisters. This is a great cause that we all can feel great about supporting. ST sent a care package after hearing about this wonderful cause. Take a minute to look at the "Thank You" letters at the link below and feel free to support.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Leaked Promos of The Boondocks Season 3
Uncle Ruckus is a funny dude.
Dudes at the Barbershop talk about Tiger and his woes.
Will.I.Am and Thugnificiant collab on a track for Obama.
Joe Sample Stops Through Texas Southern Univ as a Warm Up to the New Orleans Jazz Fest
It’s that time of year again to bring Jazz back home where it belongs, 'Nawlins or New Orleans for the perfect English speaking people. Hey if you come to Nawlins for Jazz Fest expect something ‘down home’. Whether it is hospitality, food, music, or weather, expect a feeling of home. New Orleans is one of my favorite places on this earth to visit, because of its unique culture. No matter what the occasion is, New Orleans is a place to let your hair down and have fun.
Joe Sample kicked off a 'sample' of some of his work, by stopping through at his Alma Mater, Texas Southern University in Houston, TX for KTSU's Annual Celebration before heading to Nawlins next week. The performance was held outdoors in front of the Martin L. King Building for the School of Communications Week. KTSU's is a variety station with Jazz as its main genre. Joe Sample are Kirk Whalum just a few alums from TSU who perform in the world of Jazz and often come back to their school to perform. Kirk Whalum had a stellar performance at his Alma Mater last year in the Sawyer Auditorium at TSU.
So if you are a Jazz lover, then this is the place for you. The Jazz Fest is similar to the Essence Festival, but this is Jazz and this is New Orleans. What that means? This is the perfect gumbo. No one puts on a better stage for jazz then New Orleans. George Clinton, Aretha Franklin, and Anita Baker are scheduled to perform along with others. For performances and other information, check out the jumplink.
So if you are a Jazz lover, then this is the place for you. The Jazz Fest is similar to the Essence Festival, but this is Jazz and this is New Orleans. What that means? This is the perfect gumbo. No one puts on a better stage for jazz then New Orleans. George Clinton, Aretha Franklin, and Anita Baker are scheduled to perform along with others. For performances and other information, check out the jumplink.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Latest Leak from Little Brother-Second Chances features Bilal & Darien Brockington
ST got its hands on the latest leaks off Phonte and Rapper Big Pooh's fourth and last album together as Little Brother. LEFTBACK will be in stores April 20th. The track Second Chances features Bilal & Darien Brockington and was produced by Denaun Porter. Every time I hear a leak off of this album I get upset that this is the group’s last project together. Listen and get Get the FREE DOWNLOADS at the jumplinks.
Second Chances
So Cold
Second Chances
So Cold
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Peter Hadar Live @ Joe's Pub NYC (VIDEO) from Creative Control on Vimeo.
So our peeps our at Creative Control took some time out with Peter Hadar his last run in NYC at Joe's Pub. ST contributor and follower Corey Lamont was at the show and is on the team that will be bringing Mr. Hadar back to the NYC area for anyone who may have missed this great performance. Mr. Hadar comes back to the NYC area on the 15th and tickets are only $10.
Leave it up to the people at Nike to make another great television ad and golfers of the PGA better get their practice in, because Tiger Woods is ready for competition. Tiger's father Earl Woods who passed in 2006 due to prosate cancer asks his son, "Did you learn anything?" in this new Nike Ad for The Masters this weekend. Tiger's solemn face, not saying a word, and his father's voice from the dead makes me the viewer answer the question for Tiger with an answer of "Yes".
This ad will only run until next week Wednesday, but it is a great way to bring Tiger back to the game, address the issue indirectley, and leave the question for the viewer to answer. Tiger and his father had a great relationship. When you have a great relationship with your parents, words of wisdom never leave and are always there for the hurddles of life. Words of wisdom stay wheather the person is alive or gone, and we all know Tiger uses his father words of wisdom, so with that I say, Great Job Nike. Now lets just go ahead and give Tiger this green blazer.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Boondocks Season 3 Trailer
Here is the leaked trailer from Sony for Boondocks Season 3.Also included is a sneak peak of Jay Electronica - Exhibit C. Season 3 is said to start this May. Black Satire at its best. An ST favorite.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Duck Down and 2K Sports Partnership-MC Competition for NBA 2K11 Video Game
Duck Down Music and 2K Sports have partnered to present an exciting contest for all aspiring producers and MCs to create unique and original music, along with the special opportunity to have their song included in the upcoming soundtrack for NBA®2K11, the next iteration of the hugely popular NBA 2K series.
Phase 1: NBA 2K11 Producer Contest (CLOSED)
On March 8th, producers had two weeks to create one sample-free instrumental. Over 500 submissions were sent to
Duck Down Music A&R and representatives from 2K Sports selected the top ten instrumentals on March 22nd.
The overall winner was selected by the general public, who had two weeks to vote for their favorite instrumental at:
Today, we would like to congratulate Bay Root Productions, from San Antonio, TX, for being the winning producer, receiving 47% of the votes. Over 200,000 votes were cast during the 2 week voting period.
Bay Root's instrumental will now be used for Phase 2 of the NBA 2K11 Producer/MC contest.
Phase 2: NBA 2K11 MC Contest (OPEN)
Starting tomorrow, April 6th, MC's will have four weeks to submit one clean track using Bay Root's instrumental.
All submissions must be sent to by May 4th.
After the top ten songs are determined by Duck Down Music and 2K Sports on May 4th, they will again be posted via a link on for fans to hear the tracks.
The winner will be announced on May 11th.
The grand prize winners of the contest, which will consist of one producer and one MC, will have their song placed in the music soundtrack for NBA®2K11. In addition, each winner will receive an all-expense paid trip to New York City, where they will have the special opportunity to perform the song live at Duck Down's CMJ Showcase in October 2010.
For full details on rules & regulations, please visit: WWW.DUCKDOWN.COM/NBA2K11
Phase 1: NBA 2K11 Producer Contest (CLOSED)
On March 8th, producers had two weeks to create one sample-free instrumental. Over 500 submissions were sent to
Duck Down Music A&R and representatives from 2K Sports selected the top ten instrumentals on March 22nd.
The overall winner was selected by the general public, who had two weeks to vote for their favorite instrumental at:
Today, we would like to congratulate Bay Root Productions, from San Antonio, TX, for being the winning producer, receiving 47% of the votes. Over 200,000 votes were cast during the 2 week voting period.
Bay Root's instrumental will now be used for Phase 2 of the NBA 2K11 Producer/MC contest.
Phase 2: NBA 2K11 MC Contest (OPEN)
Starting tomorrow, April 6th, MC's will have four weeks to submit one clean track using Bay Root's instrumental.
All submissions must be sent to by May 4th.
After the top ten songs are determined by Duck Down Music and 2K Sports on May 4th, they will again be posted via a link on for fans to hear the tracks.
The winner will be announced on May 11th.
The grand prize winners of the contest, which will consist of one producer and one MC, will have their song placed in the music soundtrack for NBA®2K11. In addition, each winner will receive an all-expense paid trip to New York City, where they will have the special opportunity to perform the song live at Duck Down's CMJ Showcase in October 2010.
For full details on rules & regulations, please visit: WWW.DUCKDOWN.COM/NBA2K11
Monday, April 5, 2010
GOP Leader Michael Steele has Something in Common with Obama-HE'S BLACK
GOP party boss Michael Steele said Monday he and President Obama share the same burden - they both get held to a tougher standard because they're black.
"The honest answer is, yes," Steele said on Good Morning America. "Barack Obama has a slimmer margin. A lot of folks do." That, said Steele, is "just the reality of it."
Of course it is. The GOP has people like Sarah Palin, Michael Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Ex-Vice President Cheney constantly pointing fingers at The Democratic Party and President Obama directly and sometimes its with hateful words. These same attackers are not leaders in their own party, but are seen as leaders by the media. Not a name I just mentioned is/was a strong leader and all of the names I just mentioned believe that they are a better for their party than Michael Steele questioning Steele’s leadership.
Now the GOP is going after Michael Steele about lavish spending of the Republican National Party and two sex-themed incidents that rocked the RNP last week. But the real issue here is the GOP took a hit with the Health Care Bill. The GOP was wasting tax payers’ money campaigning against the Health Care Bill instead of working on the problem. GOP members were laying in the cut, hoping the HCB would fail, so the GOP can run a ‘Fail Promise’ campaign against Obama and the Democratic Party in the upcoming elections.
Your team lost. Look at your teammates Steele. Did you really think you can win over America with a starting five of Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Cheney, and yourself? Did you really think your TEAMmates had your back? Honestly, that looks like a team that is not going to work together. That is a team of egos, hatred at times, and if anyone on this team was the United States Commander-in-Cheif we would be in worse shape as a nation. Our nation is slowly raising the bar with our race relations with Obama being president.
This isn’t the first time Steele brought up the race issue. In February, he drew some GOP hackles when he suggested in an interview with the Washingtonian magazine that some of the criticism he was getting was motivated by racism.
And last May, Steele was guess hosting Bill Bennett's radio show when he declared that Obama got a pass from the media during the Democratic primary because "the press fell in love with the black man running for the office."
Steele in this country, RACE MATTERS.
Newsflash Republicans, Steele is not your party’s problem. It’s bigger than that.
"The honest answer is, yes," Steele said on Good Morning America. "Barack Obama has a slimmer margin. A lot of folks do." That, said Steele, is "just the reality of it."
Of course it is. The GOP has people like Sarah Palin, Michael Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Ex-Vice President Cheney constantly pointing fingers at The Democratic Party and President Obama directly and sometimes its with hateful words. These same attackers are not leaders in their own party, but are seen as leaders by the media. Not a name I just mentioned is/was a strong leader and all of the names I just mentioned believe that they are a better for their party than Michael Steele questioning Steele’s leadership.
Now the GOP is going after Michael Steele about lavish spending of the Republican National Party and two sex-themed incidents that rocked the RNP last week. But the real issue here is the GOP took a hit with the Health Care Bill. The GOP was wasting tax payers’ money campaigning against the Health Care Bill instead of working on the problem. GOP members were laying in the cut, hoping the HCB would fail, so the GOP can run a ‘Fail Promise’ campaign against Obama and the Democratic Party in the upcoming elections.
Your team lost. Look at your teammates Steele. Did you really think you can win over America with a starting five of Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Cheney, and yourself? Did you really think your TEAMmates had your back? Honestly, that looks like a team that is not going to work together. That is a team of egos, hatred at times, and if anyone on this team was the United States Commander-in-Cheif we would be in worse shape as a nation. Our nation is slowly raising the bar with our race relations with Obama being president.
This isn’t the first time Steele brought up the race issue. In February, he drew some GOP hackles when he suggested in an interview with the Washingtonian magazine that some of the criticism he was getting was motivated by racism.
And last May, Steele was guess hosting Bill Bennett's radio show when he declared that Obama got a pass from the media during the Democratic primary because "the press fell in love with the black man running for the office."
Steele in this country, RACE MATTERS.
Newsflash Republicans, Steele is not your party’s problem. It’s bigger than that.
One to Look Out For, Chief Justice-Final Destination (VIDEO)
ST contributor Kym Carter submitted this video for Chief Justice. We gave it a listen, did our research, and found out that Chief has been in the game for a minute. The Baltimore native worked with several artists in the ATL area when he relocated there from BMore to concentrate on his music career with his former group,The Architects. Cheif now resides in Brooklyn and his lp is described as a combination of industry experience, lyrics, and talent. Final Destination is his first single and video off of his full length lp expected to drop this summer. Hustle Hard Cheif. FREE DOWNLOAD @ jump link below.
Wanda Sykes Remixes "Window Seat"-(Middle Seat-Wanda Sykes Video)
Wanda Sykes 'chop it up with Erykah Badu to discuss life and the video, "Window Seat" just in case you missed it this weekend. Sykes also shows Badu she too is an artist and does her own remix to Window Seat. Sykes calls this one, "Middle Seat". Can you say COMEDY!!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Jose James-"CODE MUSIC"-(Video)
ST contributor Kym Carter put us up on Jose James here at the 'Top and it’s been in heavy rotation since last month. James', “CODE MUSIC” video and song put Jose James on ST's –“People Rising to the ‘Top” list. Jose James’ album Black Magic dropped this past February, but if you weren't hip on Jose James, you're not late, you're just in time. I found this excellent write up on Jose James thanks to our friends over at POTHOLES IN MY BLOG. I'm loving this song.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
New Dwele-"What's Not to Love?"
So my man Dwele is not going to keep the fans waiting too long for his next album. Like we heard, Dwele has been hard at work on his new lp, W.orld W.ants W.omen and the first leak is the single, "What's Not To Love?". Now I'm not sure if this is going to be the first single, but does a real fan care? Anyhow, get the FREE DOWNLOAD at the jump link below. Thank ST later:).
Dwele-Whats Not To Love by skelletop
Dwele-Whats Not To Love by skelletop
Donwill and Von Pea-Cheesesteak (audio-free download)
Donwill who is 1/3rd of the group Tanya Morgan drop his solo project Don Cusack and here is the first leak, “Cheesesteak” featuring Von Pea. Now if you’re not up on Tanya Morgan, get hip. The group Tanya Morgan hails from Brooklyn and Cincinnati and are a breath of fresh air as they give real Hip Hop and are respected by some of the top players in the game. Check out this first leak and get the free download at the link below.
New Joell Ortiz-"Project Boy" (Video)
One of the best rappers of this 'new school’ era is my dude Joell Ortiz. Now I've been a fan since his first lp, The Brick: Bodega Chronicles. Well Joell is about to drop his sophomore effort Free Agent and here is the first video to drop from the album "Project Boy". If you couldn’t tell from the live scratches, this song was produced by the legendary DJ Premiere and Joell, well he got lyrics for days.
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