Now let me be honest, I haven't heard of this dude Frank Ocean, but I got this joint in my inbox sometime ago and when I heard "Songs for Women", I wanted to smack myself. I downloaded this freEP and I must say, it stays in rotation since I've got it. Take my word for it, this Odd Future member has a future in this business and grab his EP, hell its FREE and its GOOD MUSIC. "Novacane" and "We All Try" are some of my other favorites on this joint. (download here).
If he would have left some of the curses out, this song would be a lot better. Great song, bad writing.
ST-Thanks for the download info. This kid got some talent. "Songs for Women" is a hit he has on his hands, but I'm sure the masses won't get to know it, because the powers that be won't give it any radio play. However, if they did, this kid would climb that success ladder quickly.
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